Monday, July 8, 2024


Dronetech Solutions USA, LLC 

Dronetech Solutions USA, LLC specializes in the integration of advanced robotics and drone technologies for harsh environments. They serve diverse sectors, including Oil & Gas, Mining, Marine, and Environmental Monitoring. Their expertise includes cutting-edge AI integration, robust R&D capabilities, and customized drone solutions for critical infrastructure, environmental research, and tactical support. Dronetech's innovative approaches ensure precision and safety in demanding conditions, leveraging technologies like LIDAR, spectroscopy, and hybrid propulsion systems for comprehensive data collection and analysis.

For more information, visit Dronetech Solutions USA.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Neuralink and beyond - How many people have had computer processor implants or other devices installed for better brain function or for acuity?

 As of July 2, 2024 

As of now, around 35 people have received long-term brain implants designed to interface with computers. Most of these individuals have implants from Blackrock Neurotech, known as the Utah array, which is widely used in academic research and clinical studies​ (MIT Technology Review)​​ (MIT Technology Review)​. These implants are primarily intended to restore lost functions in people with severe physical impairments, such as paralysis, by allowing them to control devices directly with their thoughts​ (Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute)​.

Neuralink, a company founded by Elon Musk, has also begun human trials with its brain-computer interface (BCI), aiming to enhance communication and control devices through thought alone. While the technology is promising, it is still in the experimental stage and primarily targets therapeutic applications rather than enhancing cognitive functions for healthy individuals​ (Pew Research Center)​​ (Pew Research Center)​.

Despite the potential benefits, public opinion remains cautious, with many people concerned about the ethical implications and possible risks associated with brain chip implants. A 2021 Pew Research Center survey found that a majority of Americans are wary of the widespread use of brain chips for cognitive enhancement, viewing it as meddling with nature​ (Pew Research Center)​.

Overall, while the technology for brain-computer interfaces is advancing, its primary focus remains on medical and therapeutic applications, with consumer uses still being a future prospect.


My hidden passion is physics, I was enthralled with Nick Herbert back in college.  Here is a paper I wrote recently to renew that love for his work:  

Summary of "Quantum Reality" by Nick Herbert:

"Quantum Reality: Beyond the New Physics," written by Nick Herbert in 1985, explores the perplexing and often counterintuitive quantum mechanics concepts. Herbert presents the subject in a way accessible to non-specialists, providing a thorough overview of the key principles and debates in quantum theory. The book delves into the various interpretations of quantum mechanics, such as the Copenhagen interpretation, the many-worlds interpretation, and others, emphasizing their implications for our understanding of reality.

Key concepts covered in the book include:

  1. Wave-Particle Duality: The dual nature of particles, behaving both as particles and waves.
  2. Uncertainty Principle: Heisenberg's principle states that certain pairs of physical properties cannot both be known to arbitrary precision simultaneously.
  3. Superposition: The principle that a particle can exist in multiple states or locations simultaneously until measured.
  4. Entanglement: A phenomenon where particles become interconnected such that one particle's state instantly influences another's state, regardless of distance.
  5. Quantum Measurement Problem: The challenge of understanding how and why the act of measurement causes the collapse of a quantum system into a definite state.

Herbert also examines the philosophical implications of these concepts, discussing how they challenge classical notions of reality, causality, and determinism.

Comparison with Recent Quantum Physics Findings:

Since the publication of "Quantum Reality," significant advancements and experimental confirmations have shaped the field of quantum physics:

  1. Quantum Computing: Practical developments in quantum computing have demonstrated the feasibility of quantum bits (qubits) and quantum algorithms, such as Shor's algorithm for factoring large numbers, showing immense potential for computational speed-ups.

  2. Quantum Cryptography: Quantum key distribution (QKD) has become a practical application, providing theoretically unbreakable encryption based on quantum principles.

  3. Experimental Tests of Bell's Theorem: Advanced experiments have provided stronger confirmations of quantum entanglement and the violation of Bell inequalities, further ruling out local hidden variable theories and supporting the non-local nature of quantum mechanics.

  4. Quantum Teleportation: Progress in quantum teleportation experiments has shown the ability to transmit quantum information between distant particles, advancing the potential for quantum communication networks.

  5. Many-Worlds Interpretation: This interpretation has gained more attention and acceptance, particularly in discussions around quantum computing and decoherence, though it remains a topic of philosophical debate.

  6. Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Gravity: Efforts to unify quantum mechanics with general relativity continue, with theories like string theory and loop quantum gravity proposing frameworks that attempt to reconcile these foundational aspects of physics.

Overall, the field of quantum physics has seen a shift from theoretical debates to practical applications and experimental validations, reinforcing many of the concepts Herbert discussed while also opening new avenues of inquiry and technological development.

Gene Joanen 2024

Wednesday, May 8, 2024


“From Green to Pristine: Revitalizing Your Golf Course Pond"


Managing algae blooms in golf course ponds can be challenging but manageable with a combination of immediate actions and long-term management strategies. Here's a comprehensive approach to tackling the algae bloom in your client's pond:

Immediate Steps

  1. Algaecide Application: If the algae bloom is severe, consider using algaecides as a quick remedy. Copper-based algaecides are commonly used but should be applied according to environmental guidelines to avoid harming aquatic life.
  2. Aeration: Increasing aeration in the pond can help circulate the water and reduce the stagnation that fosters algae growth. Consider installing aerators or fountains to increase oxygen levels, which can help beneficial aerobic bacteria thrive and outcompete algae.
  3. Phosphorus Binding: Products that bind with phosphorus can be added to the water. Since phosphorus is a primary nutrient that contributes to algae growth, reducing its availability can help control blooms.

Long-Term Management

  1. Nutrient Management: Implement strategies to control nutrient runoff into the pond. This can involve:
    • Modifying landscaping practices around the pond to include buffer strips of vegetation that can trap and absorb runoff before it enters the pond.
    • Regularly checking and maintaining drainage systems to ensure they are not directing nutrient-rich water into the pond.
    • Adjusting fertilization practices on the golf course to reduce the amount of excess nutrients.
  2. Sediment Management: Over time, organic matter can accumulate at the bottom of the pond, releasing nutrients that fuel algae growth. Periodic dredging might be necessary to remove these sediments.
  3. Biological Controls: Introduce or encourage the growth of aquatic plants that compete with algae for nutrients and sunlight. Also, consider stocking the pond with fish species that feed on algae, such as grass carp, but ensure they are appropriate for your local ecosystem.
  4. Regular Monitoring: Establish a monitoring program to regularly check the nutrient levels, algae species, and overall health of the pond. This can help anticipate problems before they become severe.
  5. Water Treatment Systems: Consider installing more advanced water treatment systems that can continuously manage water quality, such as ultraviolet light systems or ozone treatments, which are effective at controlling algae without chemicals.
  6. Education and Training: Ensure that the golf course maintenance staff are educated about the impacts of their practices on pond health and trained in environmentally friendly maintenance techniques.

By implementing these steps, you can effectively manage and prevent future algae blooms, improving the health and aesthetics of the golf course pond while also adhering to environmental standards.

Monday, May 6, 2024


Celebrating Excellence: Delta Marine and Environmental, LLC Receives the 2023 AEU Safety Award

At Delta Marine and Environmental, LLC, we're thrilled to announce a significant milestone in our commitment to safety excellence. Gene Joanen and Chris Meredith from our team have been awarded the prestigious 2023 AEU Safety Award by the American Equity Underwriters (AEU).

This recognition is a testament to our unwavering dedication to maintaining the highest standards of safety across all our operations. We're deeply honored to be acknowledged by AEU, a leading authority in maritime safety.

Gene and Chris, through their exemplary leadership and dedication, have played pivotal roles in fostering a culture of safety within our organization. Their tireless efforts and commitment to best practices have not only ensured the well-being of our team members but have also set a benchmark for excellence in the industry.

At Delta Marine and Environmental, LLC, safety isn't just a priority; it's a core value ingrained in everything we do. From stringent safety protocols to continuous training and education, we leave no stone unturned in our pursuit of creating a safe and secure work environment.

This accolade wouldn't have been possible without the collective efforts of every member of our team. Each one of you contributes to our safety culture, and this award is a reflection of our shared commitment to excellence.

As we celebrate this achievement, we renew our pledge to uphold the highest safety standards and continue striving for excellence in all aspects of our operations.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to AEU for this honor and reaffirm our dedication to fostering a safe and secure workplace for all.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue our journey toward safety excellence at Delta Marine and Environmental, LLC.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Addressing Crude Oil Contamination with Proven Expertise and Innovative Solutions

At BCI Remediation Group, we bring over 35 years of specialized experience in managing environments impacted by crude oil contamination. Our extensive background, coupled with a robust portfolio of successful projects, underscores our capability to address complex environmental challenges effectively. As a recognized leader in the field, BCI is your partner in transforming contaminated sites into restored, safe environments.

Our Expertise

BCI is spearheaded by seasoned professionals who have dedicated their careers to the study and remediation of contaminated soils, particularly those affected by crude oil. Our team’s expertise is supported by credentials in Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) management and Radiation Safety, ensuring that all projects meet the highest standards of safety and regulatory compliance.

Technological Approaches to Soil Remediation

BCI employs a variety of proven technologies to address crude oil contamination, each with its benefits and considerations:

  • Soil Excavation: This method involves removing contaminated soil for off-site treatment or disposal.
    • Pros: Ensures complete removal of contaminants.
    • Cons: High cost and significant site disturbance.
  • Incineration: Thermal treatment to eliminate contaminants effectively.
    • Pros: Achieves up to 99% removal of total petroleum hydrocarbons.
    • Cons: Requires careful management of emissions.
  • Chemical Oxidation: Application of oxidants to degrade hydrocarbons directly in the soil.
    • Pros: Can treat localized areas effectively, removing up to 92.3% of contaminants.
    • Cons: Potential for secondary pollution if not managed correctly.
  • Bioremediation: Utilizes natural or enhanced biological processes to break down pollutants.
    • Pros: Environmentally friendly, low operational costs, and generally more acceptable to the public.
    • Cons: Slower process, effectiveness dependent on environmental conditions.
  • Thermal Desorption: Heating soil to volatilize contaminants for capture and treatment.
    • Pros: Fast and effective, with high control over emission standards.
    • Cons: Energy-intensive and can be costly depending on the scale.
  • Innovative Ferrate Treatments: Utilizing high oxidation potential of ferrate for contaminant degradation.
    • Pros: Highly effective initial treatment, particularly in soils heavily laden with contaminants.
    • Cons: Still emerging, requiring careful implementation to maximize effectiveness.

Our Innovative Approach

At BCI, innovation is at the core of our remediation strategies. Our adoption of advanced ferrate technologies demonstrates our commitment to developing and utilizing cutting-edge solutions that not only meet but exceed environmental restoration goals. This approach ensures that we remain at the forefront of the industry, offering our clients the most efficient and effective remediation techniques available.

Commitment to Quality and Compliance

BCI is fully licensed and equipped to manage every aspect of the remediation process, providing turnkey solutions from initial assessment to final site restoration. We adhere strictly to all local, state, and federal regulations, ensuring that every project is executed with the utmost responsibility and professional integrity.


With BCI Remediation Group, you choose a partner who is not only experienced but also forward-thinking. We are ready to deploy our capabilities to meet the unique challenges of your project, ensuring a successful outcome that aligns with both economic and environmental objectives. We invite you to engage with us to discuss how our expertise can be tailored to meet your specific remediation needs.


Monday, April 29, 2024


Understanding Business Environmental Risks (BERs) in Commercial Real Estate

Gene Joanen, CEO and REM at Balance Consulting Inc.

At Balance Consulting Inc., we recognize that managing Business Environmental Risks (BERs) is crucial for maintaining the commercial value and operational continuity of real estate assets. Defined by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) in ASTM E1527-21, BERs encompass risks that could materially impact a business due to environmental factors associated with a property’s current or planned use. These risks extend beyond the scope of standard environmental assessments such as Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs).

Unlike Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) which pinpoint the presence or likely presence of hazardous substances, BERs encompass a broader range of environmental and business implications that may not necessarily trigger a Phase II investigation but are equally significant. Identifying and managing these risks early is key to preventing them from escalating into major issues that could affect property transactions or business operations.

Our Approach to Environmental Due Diligence

At BCI, we specialize in conducting thorough environmental due diligence. This process is essential not only for identifying RECs but also for evaluating broader BERs that could impact your business. Our environmental due diligence services are designed to uncover potential environmental liabilities and provide strategic insights that aid in property acquisitions, divestitures, and development projects.

By proactively managing these risks, we help safeguard the interests of all stakeholders involved, including property buyers, sellers, developers, banks, and legal professionals. Our goal is to ensure that these properties can continue to be a valuable part of commerce, and we even assist in securing specialty risk insurance for properties that might require additional risk mitigation.

Connect With Us for Expert Guidance

If you’re navigating the complexities of commercial real estate and need expert advice on handling environmental risks, don't hesitate to reach out. Our team at Balance Consulting Inc. is equipped to guide you through every step of your environmental strategy.

Discussions and context for a future intended use:

Defining risk levels for a buyer of industrial property involves categorizing the potential environmental risks based on the buyer's tolerance and willingness to manage those risks. Here's a structured way to define these risk levels, from zero tolerance for environmental risk to accepting the property "as is," and addressing issues as they arise:

  1. Zero Tolerance for Environmental Risk:
    • Description: Buyers with zero tolerance for environmental risk are typically those who cannot afford contamination due to the nature of their operations or strict regulatory compliance needs. These buyers require properties that have no known or potential environmental liabilities.
    • Action: Such buyers may only consider properties with clean environmental records or those remediated to meet the highest standards, verified through comprehensive environmental site assessments and possibly additional testing.
  2. Low Risk Acceptance:
    • Description: Buyers willing to accept low levels of risk might consider properties with minimal and well-documented issues unlikely to interfere significantly with their intended use of the property.
    • Action: These buyers might proceed with a purchase if minor remediation efforts are required or if there are strong indemnities from sellers. They would likely demand a clear plan for remediation and a risk management strategy before proceeding.
  3. Moderate Risk Acceptance:
    • Description: These buyers are open to properties with known environmental issues, provided that these do not pose a significant threat to health or business operations. They are typically looking for a balance between cost and safety and are willing to invest in some remediation.
    • Action: Moderate-risk buyers might negotiate lower purchase prices to account for the needed remediation and will often engage in extensive due diligence to understand the scope of potential environmental management.
  4. High Risk Acceptance:
    • Description: Buyers at this level are prepared to take on properties with significant environmental issues. They might specialize in redevelopment or have business models that can accommodate extensive remediation.
    • Action: These buyers will likely factor the costs of environmental cleanup into their business plans, negotiating significantly lower purchase prices and potentially seeking financial assurances or partnerships to manage the cleanup.
  5. Full Risk Acceptance ("As Is"):
    • Description: Buyers accepting properties "as is" are fully prepared to deal with all associated environmental liabilities. They may have extensive experience with contaminated sites or have specific plans that integrate the management of these risks.
    • Action: These buyers perform due diligence to understand the full extent of environmental issues but proceed with no conditions regarding environmental quality. They are typically well-prepared with strategies and resources to handle ongoing monitoring and remediation.

For industrial clients, understanding these levels of risk acceptance can guide their investment decisions and help tailor their due diligence processes to match their risk tolerance and strategic objectives.

Understanding RECs and BERs in Environmental Due Diligence

Navigating the distinctions between Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) and Business Environmental Risks (BERs) is crucial for effective environmental due diligence. A REC represents the actual or probable presence of hazardous substances on a property, which is typically identified during a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA). If a REC is found, it often triggers a more detailed Phase II investigation to further assess the extent of contamination and potential remediation needs.

In contrast, a Business Environmental Risk (BER) involves broader considerations that may not directly trigger a Phase II investigation but are still critical to the overall assessment of environmental risk. BERs encompass risks that can impact the business associated with the current or planned use of a property, extending beyond traditional environmental issues to include legal, regulatory, and economic factors. These might involve non-environmental conditions such as zoning restrictions, community sensitivity, or economic obsolescence that could affect the property’s value or usability for certain business operations.

Importance of Addressing BERs

While BERs do not generally lead to Phase II investigations unless tied directly to physical contamination risks, they should not be overlooked. Identifying and assessing BERs is essential for thoroughly characterizing the nature of risks present, which in turn informs strategies for site development and risk mitigation. This comprehensive approach ensures that potential environmental liabilities are identified and managed before they can affect the transaction or the operational goals of the business.


The Goal of Environmental Due Diligence

The primary objective of environmental due diligence is to identify and manage risks associated with property transactions—whether acquisitions or divestitures. This process is vital to preserving the investment’s value by preventing environmental risks from becoming costly issues. Effective due diligence protects both the client's interests and those of financial stakeholders, such as banks, ensuring that all parties are aware of and can appropriately address potential environmental and business-related risks.

This refined explanation provides a structured overview that emphasizes the differences and implications of RECs and BERs within the scope of environmental due diligence.


For more insights into our Environmental and Industrial Hygiene Services, or to discuss your specific needs, please contact me directly at